Fee Information
The following fees can be paid by Visa/MasterCard or cash. Payments can divided over time; call CosTran at 919-836-9021. Fees are paid at the time service is given.
Alcohol Drug Assessment/Volunteer or charge related
The fee is $100 for an assessment. This includes emailing the recommendation to another party if you desire (attorney or probation officer). Of course, you get a copy for your records.
Alcohol Drug Education/Prime for Life/ADETS
The cost of our class is $10.00 and hour. North Carolina's Alcohol Drug Education Traffic School (ADETS) is a 16-hour class: the total fee is $160.00. Prime for Life can also meet the needs of anyone needing to attend alcohol drug education.
Alcohol/Drug Programs
The programs cost $22.50 an hour for our short-term program of 20 hours can be completed in 7 weeks, and the cost our long-term program of 40 hours is $18.75 an hour and can be completed in 13 weeks.
Anger Management
When you meet for your assessment, you pay $100.00. The fee for the anger management class is $400 broken into $50 per class for 8 classes. The total is $500.00.