Alcohol Drug Education Traffic School (ADETS) is held at 423 Wait Ave. in Wake Forest NC. We offer ADETS on the weekends starting Friday at 6 PM. Call us for upcoming dates and times.
You must first attend the ADETS enrollment for one hour. You are given a credit of (1) one hour for the inrollment. Please call to make an appointment to enroll. If you were assessed at an agency other than CosTran you will need to bring in your recommendation form or letter you received from the assessing agency at the time you were assessed.
These classes focus on education and prevention. Most people do not qualify for the diagnosis of Alcohol Abuse or Dependence, so CosTran has adopted an evidence-based curriculum, called PRIME for Life (PFL), developed by Prevention Research Institute. We offer the 16-hour version of PFL that meets North Carolina's requirements for ADETS.